ELF regular dramatic false lashes [review w/ photos!]


I have had these ELF dramatic false eyelashes
for over a year, 
They never quite lured me to use them.

I have tried the natural lashes from ELF - 
and I disliked them to be honest. 
Check out the FULL REVIEW HERE!
But this one time, 
I felt guilty I never gave these things a go so I went ahead and put them on.



The band is better than the natural ones, and it's quite flexible. 
I quite like it.
It doesn't come close to the Ardell false eyelashes but they're okay.
Similar to ebay ones.

The actual false eyelashes are somewhat inconsistent. 
I am not that impressed. 
Ebay lashes are cheaper and more consistent.

The packaging comes with a glue but it's virtually useless, 
it doesn't even come out. 
I think they might have changed it, 
but I'm not sure.


So even though the lashes are quite nice, 
I will not repurchase, 
because there are better things on the market for the same price. 

That's it for this post
I hope you found it helpful and take care!



FTC DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to do this post. I bought the products myself for my personal use unless otherwise stated and I am not affiliated with the company. Everything I said in this post is my genuine honest opinion :)


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