What makes me go all weak in the knees.. and my afternoon buddy!


This is just one of my random posts today.. 

Everytime I see these in a shop, I swear they call my name.
I cannot say no to one of these orange maoams, 
I've loved them since I was a child, 
and I still do.
I swear - they make me go all weak in the knees..

and here's my afternoon buddy. 
My parents went fishing, 
so Ruby and I are chilling on our own.

I've been feeding her extra biscuits, 
but you don't know anything about that ;) 


That's it for this post, 
I'm not going to do a disclaimer on this one. 
If I say I'm not affiliated with Maoam I'll be mocking myself.
Oh wait I just did. 
BTW. That handful of Maoams is long gone now. 
- Dyna


  1. Oh, my! My friends and I used to luv Maoams when we were at school! They are super yummy! Ruby is so pretty <3

  2. cute pup! I've got dibs on the rasberry ones though! :D

  3. I remember a few years ago there was a huge news-article about the Maoams.. It claimed the fruit was simulating sex on the package, as on the orange package the orange appears to want to give the green figure oral... Think about it next time you see them in the store, because it really made me laugh, haha x)

  4. Cute doggie! :)

    Anyway, I'm already your follower, could you also follow me back? My GFC widget got broken and I lost almost all of my followers.. :( maybe you can help me..


    Thanks! :)


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