Pupa Milano Multiplay Eyeliner in #09 Black | Review w/ Swatches !
A few months ago PUPA sent me a few products and this is one of them.
Normally PUPA sends me LE products, but by the time I get to review them
(I take my time, OKay - Don't judge)
The LE is almost unavailable.
Anywho, this time round they sent me two products from their permanent collection
and one from their 50s Dream LE (which btw is sooo worth checking out -
I've seen stands all over the place, and they look so gorgeous!).
This one is their new Multiplay Eyeliner in the shade 09,
which is the black one.
They have other shades too, so you might want to check those out as well.
This eyeliner is ultra creamy - it reminds me of one of my fav eyeliners in terms of creaminess.
(now discontinued - from Catrice - the precision eye pencil)
Its in a pencil form, so you'll need to sharpen this up.
It doesn't bother me though, only takes me like .. 20 seconds.
It's REALLY black. So if you're looking for colour intensity... this is for you!
As far as lasting power goes - it stays, but not on the lower lashline,
you'll need to powder the lower lashline,
but it stays on the top lashline.
I smudged it in this look
BRILLIANT eyeliner, it has grown to be one of my fav eyeliners in my collection,
and that says a lot.
DEFINITELY worth checking out.
The only downside is that if you're not used to ultra-creamy very pigmented liners,
you might find this a tad challenging.
I hope you like this post
and you find this helpful,
FTC Disclaimer: I got these free from pupa Milano Malta, I am not affiliated with the brnd and my reviews are, as always, a 100% honest.
and you find this helpful,
FTC Disclaimer: I got these free from pupa Milano Malta, I am not affiliated with the brnd and my reviews are, as always, a 100% honest.
I love how you did the lips!