REVIEW: ELF mineral lipsticks [[with swatches !!]]

Swatches: [left to right]: Natural Nymph, Runway Pink, Cheerful Cherry
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Swatches: [left to right]: Natural Nymph, Runway Pink, Cheerful Cherry

Swatches: [left to right]: Natural Nymph, Runway Pink, Cheerful Cherry

ELF mineral lipstick in natural nymph

ELF mineral lipstick in natural nymph

Natural nymph It is not that creamy to me. My natural nymph packaging is sort of messed up. When I first got it it was just fine but after a while it locked at a certain point so the tip of my lipstick got crushed. Colourwise, pale pale colour. Very nude lip colour with pink undertones. I find it looking drying on lips without any lipgloss on. I would not wear it on its own but conceals pigmented lips very well and looks gorgeous when paired with an appropriate lipgloss.
ELF mineral lipstick in runway pink

ELF mineral lipstick in runway pink

Runway pink is pretty gorgeous colour and is not bright. I find this more wearable than elf natural nymph and is not bright, it is more of a pink nude lip colour. Very pigmented.

ELF mineral lipstick in cheerful cherry

ELF mineral lipstick in cheerful cherry

Cheerful Cherry is a dark red but still wearable for fairer skintones. It has a very retro feel to it. It is not a bright red, it is more classy looking. It's on the darker side of reds. But really gorgeous.

Are they worth the try? Yes, they are, and I would love to try different shades in the future too :)

Thank you for reading guys. And if you're from Europe [excluding Italy, Spain and Germany- because they have their own website] and would like to try ELF products, I suggest you ā€œlikeā€ ELF's facebook fan page to be informed about elf's promotional codes. Plus the more people join their fan page, the quicker the codes come out :)


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FTC DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to do this review. I bought the product myself for my personal use and I am not affiliated with any company. Everything I said in this review is my genuine honest opinion :)

you can buy ELF products from: [US]


  1. wow it is so pretty..

    i am first time on your blog

    hope you will check out mine as well

  2. I love both colors :)

    xo Christine

  3. I like the dark red color a huge lot and I see the stark difference between the ordinary and the mineral range.


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