TAG : This or That!

Following Enigmatic Rambles's this or that post, I decided to do this too. :):)

You basically have 6 categories ( makeup, nails, body, fashion, hair, random) and you have several choices in each category, so you choose one thing over another! Shall we start?

Blusher or bronzer - Blush
Lipgloss or lipstick - Lipstick
Eye liner or mascara -Mascara
Foundation or concealer -Concealer
Neutral or colour eye shadow -Neutrals
Pressed or loose eye shadow - Pressed
Brushes or sponges ā€“ Brushes

OPI or china glaze -[have not tried them]
Long or short -Long
Bright or darks ā€“Bright

Perfume or body splash - Perfume
Lotion or body butter - Lotion
Body wash or soap ā€“Soap
Lush or other bath company ā€“Have not tried lush yet :/

Jeans or sweat pants - Jeans
Long sleeve or short -short
Dresses or skirts -dresses
Stripes or plaid - Stripes
Flip flops or sandals ā€“flip flops
Scarves or hats - neither
Studs or dangly earrings ā€“Massive dangly ones
Necklaces or bracelets -Bracelets
Heels or flats ā€“flats for during the day but I adore heels when I go out
Cowboy boots or riding boots ā€“ Cowboy
Jacket or hoodie -Jacket

Curly or straight -Curly
Bun or ponytail -Bun
Bobby pins or butterfly clips - Bobby pins
Hair spray or gel - Hairspray
Long or short - Long
Light or dark -Light
Side swept fringe or full fringe - Side Swept
Up or down - Down

Rain or shine - Shine
Summer or winter -Summer
Autumn or spring ā€“Spring
Chocolate or vanilla -Vanilla

Try this guys :):) it's so fun to see other people doing this :D


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