ELF HAUL!! [[with video !!]]

Hello guys this is my ELF haul :):) I have two videos because youtube finally processed both. I suggest you see the 2nd one because of the higher quality but if you want to you can check out my 1st video in which I mention using the 88 palette I already hauled about in my previous video.

SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel for more videos guys :)

this is my ELF haul feat:

regular eyeliner brush Ā£1.50
regular blending brush Ā£1.50
regular healthy glow bronzing powder luminance 1.50 [for highlight]
mineral booster in tinted 3.50
studio mist and set Ā£3.50
studio mineral infused mascara Ā£3.50

FTC DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to do this review. I bought the product myself for my personal use and I am not affiliated with any company. Everything I said in this review is my genuine honest opinion :)

you can buy ELF products from:
www.eyeslipsface.com [US]


  1. i love elf. I think the studio mist smells weird :/

  2. i have not opened the product yet because I contacted elf that I think its damaged. Have you got it too? does it leak at the top?

  3. You'll have to let us know about that mist, I got it but havent had the chance to play about with it yet cos my entire bedroom is packed up atm.

    Also is it just my browser, just sometimes your blogs overlap each other? x

  4. of course i'll review it enigma as soon as i can. :) actually. I contacted elf because my product is leaking from the spray part and I'm not sure if its a general defect or just mine. and with regards to the blog, i never see my blogs overlapping, perhaps your page is zoomed in or something? I never had any problem with the blogs overlapping each other. But they are not that well separated either, so I'll try to fix that :)

  5. Ohh i ordered that spray first thing this morning!

    I cant wait to try it out! =]

  6. oh sorry to hear about your mist leaking, I had a similar issue with the brush cleanser spray from them, so it doesn't surprise me. But they were very good about sending me another one. Does it smell funky at all?


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