REVIEW: Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula

I am not a hair expert and I am not pretending to be one. But I have long hair which is not so easily manageable and I really need to take care of it. Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula Moisture Gro is a very genuine product with natural healthy ingredients. This product has done wonders to my hair.

This is the product on Palmer's Site: CLICK ME!!

You get an instruction manual on top of the cap which says:




I use it as:

a. a leave in conditioner just after I wash my hair

b. ends revitaliser when I feel that my ends are dry or need protection

c. heat protector [for mild heat- I usually pair this with other products for extra heat]

d. styling wavy natural hair with no heat

e. eliminating frizz in hair styles

f. just before I spray my hair to set my hair

I love this thing. It smells so good and yummy and it is very nourishing indeed.

You get a huge jar and you won't waste any product because it does not come in a tube. The texture is really great but you have to use a light hand because this product is really concentrated and may make your hair look greasy if overly applied. I cannot find any cons for this product. And it is a multi purpose product which I'm sure is something you love.  I do not recommend this product for people who have very fine straight hair, because it may look heavy.

Where can you buy this product? Check at drugstores and large outlets.
You can search at PALMER'S SITE  or you can try EBAY.

You can also buy this product online from PALMER'S SITE if you live in the US.

FTC DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to do this review. I bought the product myself for my personal use and I am not affiliated with any company. Everything I said in this review is my genuine honest opinion :)


  1. I saw this on your monthly faves and meant to ask about it so thanks for the review. I have tried the body butter and love it. Have you tried that? Wonder if they smell similar.

    Looks like a good product but the smell of coconut makes me feel ill so not sure about getting it.

  2. the smell is pretty strong..sort of coconut milk.I happen to love it, but if it bothers you I wouldn't suggest it because the smell is quite strong. I have not yet tried the body butter, but I might give it a try, so thanks for the suggestion Enigma :)

  3. yeah it is so good, a really instance moisturiser, good for stretch marks or scars. I'm allergic to coconut so thats why i dont like the scent. ah well the search for a good conditioner!

  4. Sounds like a nice product!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really like your layout! Very cute.

  5. This looks great because I'm a huge fan of all the palmers body butters (I even love the olive oil one which everyone seems to hate) and apparently coconut oil is one of the best hair treatments so I reckon this will definitely be worth a try!

    The range is fairly inexpensive too which is always a good thing esp with Christmas just around the corner :)

  6. @ Savannah -

    Thank you sweetie :):)

    @ All Made Up -

    Yup :) The product is really inexpensive for the quality of the product. I might actually try more products of the company because of their high quality and awesome price:)


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