Possible DUPEs?! Collection 2000 fairy cake vs NYX antwerp lip creams ..


I hope you're all okay and enjoying your day. 
I have a comparison post today of two products which can be possible dupes to each other.. 
but are they?? 

I am talking about 
Collection 2000 cream puff in 03 fairy cake
NYX soft matte lip cream in antwerp

Ironically I didn't pay for either items, 
NYX sent me the lip cream as a thank you for featuring NYX in my posts
and I later on got Collection 2000's cream puff  in my Secret Santa box.

Now I'm not sure about the prices, 
because I didn't buy these myself.. 
and I know I could research, 
but prices vary.
However, I do know Collection 2000 is UK based, so it is less accessible worldwide.

Anyway here's what I think. 

Immediately when I swatched Collection 2000's fairy cake
I was like OMG this is EXACTLY like the NYX's antwerp.
Not only is the packaging IDENTICAL (except for the print, of course)
the wand, the smell, texture, lasting power and everything about the products makes them IDENTICAL.
The only difference, very slight difference too, 
is that NYX's lip cream is slightly more pink, 
It's amazing how identical these are. 

99% dupes!

Collection 2000 cream puff in cotton candy (not for the purpose of this post), fairy cake, NYX soft matte lip cream in antwerp

Collection 2000 cream puff in fairy cake

wearing Antwerp
Antwerp lip swatch

You definitely don't need both. 
Trust me, don't get both... you don't need them both. 
I'd just choose the cheaper option.. if I were you.

 FTC Disclaimer: I am not paid to do this post. I got both products for free. I got the NYX item for free for pr purpoes and the Collection 2000 product as a Secret Santa gift. My opinion, as always, is not biased.


  1. Another dupe for these would be the W7 Megga Matte Lips at only €1.49 :)



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